

Sodium Silicate Powder

Sodium Silicate Powder Sodium Silicate Powder is one of most branched out and specialized product with its applications ranging to suit different products. Nital Chemicals is equipped with state of the art facilities to manufacture silicate products through Furnace and Hydrothermal processes. Nital Chemicals produces the following grade of Powder silicates by the spray drying...

Sodium Silicate Glass (Lump/Cullet)

Sodium Silicate Glass (Lump/Cullet) Sodium Silicate is one of most branched out and specialized product with its applications ranging to suit different products. Nital Chemicals is equipped with state of the art facilities to manufacture silicate products through Furnace and Hydrothermal processes. Nital Chemicals produces the following grade of Solid silicates: Sodium Silicate Glass (Lump/Cullet)...

Sodium Silicate Liquid

Sodium Silicate Liquid We offer sodium silicate in liquid form for specific industrial application where the liquid property of the chemical is highly effective. We manufacture high quality silicates that are produced to match our customer’s expectations. For special requirements, we customize the liquid so that it can be integrated with highest efficacy with the...